Intentional Money Life

[Free Preview of my Investing+ Course]

FREE Preview

Level Up Your Finances

Sign up so you can:

  • Watch videos to learn why you should invest, how the stock market works, how you can lose money in the stock market, stock market terminology, the impact of fees, and more
  • Complete a hands-on activity where you decide on your preferred stock vs. bond allocation
  • Learn how to avoid investing mistakes that could cost you big time
  • Get started on your investing education so you can start investing soon and take advantage of the impact of compound interest  
  • See what it’s like to learn from me and decide if you want to purchase the full Level Up Your Finances course that includes modules on taxes, initial retirement planning, the nitty gritty of investing, and more

Sound good? Sign up for the free preview!

Once you sign up, look out for the email “Workbook + welcome…”. That’s where you’ll be able to download and print the free preview workbook to go along with the lessons. Enjoy!