Welcome! I’m Michelle

I’m a financial planner that makes money-talk FUN and supports people in identifying, setting, and reaching their financial goals.

Michelle and daughter

Do you want to feel confident investing for
you and your family's future?

Michelle and daughter

From financial confusion
to financial intention

Everyone always has financial advice to give, like “using a budget”, but most people don’t really explain why. Here, my focus is on YOU.

Financial education applied to YOU

I’ll cover all sorts of financial information, and I will always come back to how it relates to you and your life. I want you to feel confident as you make your own financial decisions, so you can intentionally use money to create a life that you love. 

Awareness of systems and situations

I will NEVER shame you for your financial situation! I understand that there are several reasons why we’re in the financial situations that we are in (including systemic racism and other forms of oppression, schools that failed to give us financial education, not having any other options, having a bad relationship with money, and so many more). I don’t do shame and blame.

Convenience & talking in plain English

As a busy mom, I know what it’s like to try to get anything done. So I make things as easy as I can, including offering content via private podcast so you can listen wherever you are. I also talk in plain English so you understand what I’m talking about, no unapproachable investing lingo here!

Creating a Life that You LOVE
What my students are saying
"Usually I feel bored when I think about the nitty gritty of money and math, but because we are pairing empowering knowledge with specific goals in my life that actually do make me excited, (I can’t believe I am actually saying this) I am looking forward to digging in about the bolsa de valores." (stock market)
- Alicia S., Module 1, Level Up Your Finances
Are you ready to put your money to work, intentionally creating a life that you love?

There’s a lot of financial information out there, but often it’s prescriptive, telling you how to live your life while knowing nothing about you, your values, your goals, and your dreams. I want to help you understand those things about yourself, and then put your money to work in order to provide yourself with a fulfilling life, whatever that looks like for you. 

Are you ready to get started investing (or maybe you already are), but it's all so overwhelming and confusing and you're terrified you'll lose everything?